Our dog washing service includes a thorough wash and dry using high-quality pet shampoos and conditioners. We'll start by brushing your furry friend to remove any loose fur or mats, and then move on to a warm water bath with gentle, pet-safe products. We'll pay special attention to your dog's sensitive areas, like their face and ears, and will make sure that they're completely clean and fresh-smelling. After the bath, we'll dry your pet with a towel and finish with a blow dryer to ensure they're fully dry. Our dog washing service is perfect for maintaining your pet's hygiene and keeping their coat clean and healthy.
Our dog grooming service is designed to keep your furry friend looking and feeling their best. We offer a variety of grooming services, including brushing, trimming, and nail clipping, all performed by our trained and experienced groomers. We'll start with a thorough brushing to remove any loose fur or mats, and then move on to trimming and shaping your dog's fur to your specifications. We'll also trim your dog's nails to a safe and comfortable length, and clean their ears and teeth to ensure their overall health and hygiene. Our dog grooming service will leave your pet looking and feeling great, and is perfect for special occasions or just regular maintenance.
Our tidy up service is perfect for in-between grooming appointments or for dogs who just need a quick touch-up. We'll give your furry friend a gentle brush to remove any loose fur or mats, and trim any areas that need it, such as around the face, feet, or sanitary areas. We'll also clean your dog's ears and trim their nails to a safe and comfortable length. Our tidy up service will help your pet look and feel their best until their next full grooming appointment.